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Tianz Ingeblikte Ingemaakte Komkommers


Aangepast:Accepteer privémerk


Verzendvoorwaarden:Per zee

Prijstermijnen:FOB, CFR zijn optioneel

Betalingsvoorwaarden:30% vooruitbetaling + saldo tegen BL-kopie

Productietijd:30-35 dagen na ontvangst van de aanbetaling + bevestiging van het label artwork


Ingemaakte Komkommers

Ondersteuning OEM/ODM-diensten
Pickling is a form of fermentation. When vegetables and fruits are fermented, healthy bacteria help to break down the hard-to-digest cellulose in foods, as well as some of the natural sugar. This is why some people who are lactose intolerant may be able to eat yogurt. These healthy bacteria help to keep fermented food safe and less likely to spoil, and can also help increase the good bacteria in your gut when eaten. Pickled Cucumber - Nutritions & Benefits. While pickles don’t have a lot of vitamins and minerals themselves, eating a pickle with a meal can boost the probiotic content of any meal you eat.

100% natuurlijk

Ondersteuning OEM/ODM-diensten
“Beste grondstof voor de beste smaak!” We hebben een hoogwaardige controle op het productieproces en bieden eersteklas service aan klanten met sterke technische ondersteuning. We willen de markt uitbreiden met vrienden over de hele wereld om op basis van wederzijds voordeel een mooie toekomst te creëren.
Preservation Process:in brine
Sterilization:high temperature sterilization without preservatives
Storage:in normal temperature,refrigerate after opening
Shelf life:2 years
Brand:OEM Customer’s Brand
Packaging:Glass jar,Carton packaging
PRO date/EXP date:please see on the package
Pickled Cucumbers700gGlass Jar,Tin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Pickled Cucumbers1500gGlass Jar,Tin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Pickled Cucumbers2000gGlass Jar,Tin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Pickled Cucumbers3000gGlass Jar,Tin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Pickled Cucumbers5000gGlass Jar,Tin Can,Plastic Bag,Carton packaging
Pickled CucumbersAny Size Can Be CustomizedAny Packaging Can Be Customized


Pas uw merk aan
Met hoogwaardige productiefaciliteiten en een professioneel R&D-team kunnen we alle inspanningen leveren om aan uw OEM/ODM-behoeften te voldoen. Kwaliteit is een kernwaarde bij Tianz en wordt weerspiegeld in alle aspecten van ons bedrijf. Wij creëren rijke waarde die bijdraagt ​​aan uw gezondheid en welzijn.

Pickled cucumbers, also known as pickles, are cucumbers that have been preserved in a solution of vinegar, water, salt, and spices. The pickling process gives them a distinctive tangy flavor and crunchy texture that makes them a popular snack and condiment.

The process of making pickled cucumbers begins with selecting fresh cucumbers and washing them thoroughly. They are then sliced and placed in jars with the vinegar solution, along with various spices such as dill, garlic, and mustard seeds. The jars are then sealed and left to ferment for several days, during which time the cucumbers absorb the flavors of the spices and become pickled.

Pickled cucumbers are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a nutritious addition to any diet. They are also a good source of vitamin K, which is important for bone health and blood clotting, and vitamin C, which supports the immune system.

Pickled cucumbers are a versatile food that can be enjoyed in many ways. They are often eaten as a snack, either on their own or with cheese and crackers. They can also be used as a topping for sandwiches and burgers, or chopped up and added to salads for extra crunch and flavor. In some countries, they are even eaten as a side dish with meals.

Pickled cucumbers are particularly popular in Eastern Europe, where they are a staple of many traditional dishes. They are also commonly eaten in North America and Asia.

Tianz Food is a global food producer that offers a range of canned vegetable products, including pickled cucumbers. Our company provides OEM/ODM services, which means that we can work with our clients to develop customized products that meet their specific needs. We pride ourselves on using only the highest quality ingredients and employing the latest technology to ensure that our products are safe and delicious.

If you are interested in working with Tianz Food to develop your own pickled cucumber product, please contact us to learn more about our services. We look forward to working with you to create a product that meets your unique needs and exceeds your expectations.
